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softwin infotech Features
Package / Product Master

Product / Package Master

Here admin can add new product or create new package as per the requirement. He can set the BV / PV amount or points to the specific product. He can also manage the tax setting. He can also create a single package having multiple products, such as joining kit, welcome kit and apply the cost, BV / PV amount & manage the tax for that particular package.

Store Admin for E-commerce

Store Admin for

• Category Master
• Package Master
• Product Master
• Tax Master
• Banner Master
• Catalog Management
• Unit / Property Management
• Order Management
• Shipment Management
• Support Ticket

Mother Warehouse Panel for Stock System

Motherwarehouse Panel for Stock System

• Inward stock from supplier / vendor
• Outward stock to sales store points
• Sales store points and product wise stock report
• Motherwarehouse stock book report
• All stock requests and transferred report

Franchisee / Sales Store Point

Franchise / Sales Store Point

• Customer's Purchase
• Inward Stock
• Stock Management, Wallet Management
• Dispatch / Delivery Module
• Request Store, Relevant Report

Wallet Master

Wallet Master

• MLM Business requires online currency. So, this service you can achieve through the Wallet Master.
• Here, Associate can request to Admin/Associate for wallet. Admin/Associate can approve this request & send currency.

Payment Gateway

Payment Geteway

A payment gateway module is a critical component of online payment systems. In Payment Gateway the payment transfer is done by using API
Wide-range of payment gateway options for our customers, to facilitate the payment process around the globe.

E-Pin / Coupon Code

E-Pin / Coupon Code

• EPin is generated as per the amount set for a product. This epins can be used for the registration, topup and upgraded after selecting a package.
• EPin Request
• EPin Transfer from Admin
• Direct EPin Transfer
• My EPins Report
• EPin Used and Available Report

Stock Module

Stock Module

The stock module focuses on managing the quantities and movements of goods within the warehouse or storage locations. this module help businesses manage their stock levels. Stock includes, Stock Level, Stock Movments, Stock Valuation, Batch and Serial Number Tracking, Stock Audits and Cycle Counts etc.

Inventory Module

Inventory Module

The inventory module covers broader aspects of inventory management, including procurement, storage, and distribution. Inventory includes, Inventory Control, Procurement Management, Order Fulfillment, Demand Planning and Forecasting, Reporting and Analytics, Integration with Other Modules.

Production Panel

Production Panel

A production module is a vital component of an ERP system. It helps manage and streamline various aspects of the production process, from planning and scheduling to execution and monitoring.

Sales Panel

Sales Panel

This module integrates with other modules such as inventory, production, finance, and customer relationship management (CRM) to provide a comprehensive view of the sales operations.

CRM Panel

CRM Panel

CRM aims to improve business relationships, streamline processes, and increase profitability. This is a crucial component of an ERP system designed to manage a company's interactions with current and potential customers.

CMS & Utility

CMS & Utility

These are the extra utilities provided by the system to admin for internal communication and announcement of any news or events. Send SMS / Mail – Admin can send SMS / e-Mail to all members at once or selecting multiple members as per his requirement.

Mobile App

Mobile App

A mobile app is a software application developed specifically for use on small, wireless computing devices, such as Smartphone’s and tablets, rather than desktop or laptop computers. A third category, hybrid apps, combines elements of both native and web apps.

News & event

News & event

This modules give ability to display a continuous running message on website and member panel, in which admin can add any breaking news, upcoming events or forthcoming schedule or a meeting.