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softwin infotech Features
Commission Structure

Commission Structure

Here admin can set the commission in amount to BV/ PV/Unit/ Points for matching / level commission. Rank Commission is also managed by here.



Genealogy represents graphical view of downline Associates with business summary, Search by ID ex. Name in downline, Binary genealogy separate.

Back Office  Settings

Back Office Settings

Company Setting – Edit company data, product master, State, District & City Master, Bank Master, Business Plan PDF/Image, Tax Management etc.

Payout System

Payout System

Payout distribution cycle will be according to your plan. In paid payouts he can view list of all the paid payouts from start to last drawn payout, with respective details.

Block Members

Block Members

If one of member is not working or is not active within a network the company will block that member. If the member is blocked then the commission of the member will be blocked.

Whatsapp Support

Whatsapp Support

The whatsapp support is used to resolve the issue of the clients within the software and for taking the client's requirements. We resolve quires / support within office hours .

Chat Support

Chat Support

By connecting through chat support, customers receive instant responses in real time, expediting issue resolution and increasing customer satisfaction.

KYC Verification

KYC Verification

For customer's Validity, KYC module is designed. here, Customer can add KYC documents & these documents are approved by admin.

Target & Business Achievements

Target & Business Achievements

Here we set a target of the employee for a month or more. This target can be set within a district of the employee.

Direct / Downline

Direct / Downline

Here admin and member can view direct members of company on landing page. He can also be able to check the directs of a specific id or member by providing the exact member id. Here a member can keep a track or view his direct meb., and his further downline. He will get a list who is on his left & right side.

Shareable Links

Shareable Links

By using shareable we can share the Business Plan of the company to all the members who all are present within a company. We can share the Business Plan PDF by uploading it to the drive. So that all the members will be able to see the Business Plan.
Shareable PDF.

Custom Reports

Custom Reports

Custom reports aid in strategizing business plan by providing what-if analyses, up to the minute information, and displaying the data that is most crucial to the user at that moment. The user controls the simple to use interface and can generate sophisticated reports in minutes, not hours.

Account Login

Account Login

Account Panel contains the details of the employee. In Account panel we can set the targets of the employees.